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27 February 2024

The Youth Week 2024 Grant Programme is seeking applications for youth-led/youth-focused initiatives/events under the Youth Week 2024 theme: 'We may not have it all together, but together we have it all'/'Māwherangi a tama roto ka taka, kāpuia ake ka pūrangiaho'.

28 February 2024

Funding decisions around MYD's 2023 Procurement (Ākonga Youth Development Community Fund, Mental Wellbeing Support for Vulnerable Young People Fund, and Upskilling Young Kaimahi Fund) have been published.


20 March 2024

The Hive All-Stars (13 young people aged 16-24 years) and Curative NZ undertook a series of insights-gathering activities in late 2023, including an online survey and a series of in-person workshops targeting public servants, and in-depth interviews with senior public service leaders. This resulting report is now available. 


20 May 2024

Youth Week is a festival of events and initiatives organised by young New Zealanders to celebrate the talents, creativity, and achievements of young people around the motu. It's also a time to recognise the youth workers and youth sector organisations that support them.