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24 January 2017

Around 100 young people who have overcome considerable challenges have been selected to participate in the Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP) which is taking place this week.

26 January 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye today announced investments totalling around $190,000 to encourage more than 900 young people into volunteering opportunities which benefit them and their communities.

27 January 2017

An investment of over $270,000 in the technology mentoring programme Shadow Tech Days will help it inspire more young women into technology related careers, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

30 January 2017

More than 650 young people throughout the North Island will benefit from collaborative investments in new mentoring opportunities totalling around $435,000, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

31 January 2017

Around 1,700 young people in the Greater Wellington region will benefit from collaborative investments in new youth development opportunities totalling over $590,000, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.


11 February 2017

The number of youth development opportunities in New Zealand is growing by around 10,000 annually as a result of a new approach, which includes the Government co-investing in new opportunities with philanthropic, business, iwi and other partners, says Youth Minister Nikki Kaye.

14 February 2017

A new partnership between the Government and Ngai Tahu will benefit young people living in rural and isolated areas of the South Island, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

16 February 2017

The number of youth development opportunities in New Zealand is growing by around 10,000 annually as a result of a new approach, which includes the Government co-investing in new opportunities with philanthropic, business, iwi and other partners, says Youth Minister Nikki Kaye.

22 February 2017

Around 750 young people and the marine environment from Northland to Waikato will benefit from a new $475,000 partnership providing youth volunteering opportunities with the Sea Cleaners programme, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

28 February 2017

Nominations are now open for the New Zealand Youth Awards 2017, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.


02 March 2017

Read the February 2017 edition of MYD's e-newsletter, Youth Matters now.

06 March 2017

Around 200 more Christchurch secondary school and university students will have the opportunity to be part of local volunteer initiatives, with the Government investing alongside other funders to support the University of Canterbury Student Volunteer Army, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced.

06 March 2017

A funding boost to the Small Communities Youth Grant Fund means more young people living in offshore communities will benefit from youth development opportunities, including leadership programmes, mentoring and volunteering, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced.

08 March 2017

TeenAg, an agriculture sector youth programme run by New Zealand Young Farmers, will receive $146,000 of support under a new partnership announced today by Youth Minister Nikki Kaye.

10 March 2017

A new $150,000 partnership to help grow future Māori leaders from Northland and Auckland was announced today by Youth Minister Nikki Kaye.

17 March 2017

Around 2,000 young people nationwide will benefit from new youth development partnerships with Recreate New Zealand, who provide life-changing experiences for young people with disabilities, and UNICEF New Zealand, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced.

28 March 2017

Funding of $25,000 to support the New Zealand China Young Leaders Forum 2017 was announced today by Youth Minister Nikki Kaye. “This one-day forum provides an opportunity to facilitate dialogue, connections and partnerships between young leaders from New Zealand and China who are interested in leadership, business, education, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship,” says Ms Kaye.


03 April 2017

Seven youth sector organisations will share a total of $65,000 funding to help them provide new youth development opportunities for around 640 young people, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced. “This funding is about supporting more leadership, volunteering and mentoring opportunities for young people across New Zealand,” says Ms Kaye.

05 April 2017

A new $100,000 partnership will see around 120 young people from or affiliated to Waikato-Tainui, Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Kahungunu supported to attend the Turongo me Maahina-a-rangi – Leaders by Design Summit, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced.

11 April 2017

Minister for Youth Nikki Kaye today announced the recipients of the 2017 New Zealand Youth Awards. “These awards recognise young New Zealanders who’ve achieved outstanding results and given back to their communities, as well as those who’ve made a significant contribution towards supporting young people,” says Ms Kaye.


11 May 2017

New partnerships with Netball NZ and 24-7 Youthwork Trust will see $260,000 invested to create up to 800 new youth development opportunities, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today. “These opportunities are about inspiring and growing the next generation of leaders and also supporting them to give back to the community,” says Ms Kaye.

26 May 2017

Partnerships with InOvation Trust and Te Aratika Creative will see around $144,000 invested to create up to 495 new leadership and mentoring opportunities for young people, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

27 May 2017

Seven youth sector organisations will share a total of $71,000 funding to help provide new youth development opportunities for around 120 young people, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

30 May 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye will meet a number of young people from Wellington at Parliament to hear their views on the future of Aotearoa New Zealand. The high school students will make their way to Parliament after taking part in an amazing race style event around the capital as part of Youth Week 2017, which runs until 4 June.


15 June 2017

Over 80 young people living in small, offshore communities will get to participate in leadership and mentoring opportunities as part of the latest funding allocated under the Small Communities Youth Grant Fund, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced.

20 June 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye tonight announced details of the $6 million investment over four years under Budget 2017 to fund more youth enterprise initiatives.


09 July 2017

Over 7000 new leadership, mentoring and volunteering opportunities for young people have been created as a result of investment decisions made by the Ministry of Youth Development’s Partnership Fund Board, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced.

20 July 2017

The $280,000 Local Government Youth Partnership Fund is open for applications, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

21 July 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced $30,000 of funding towards mentoring initiatives aimed at encouraging young people to explore potential career paths, develop career-related skills and transition to successful tertiary education.

30 July 2017

Applications have opened for funding under the $100,000 Youth in Emergency Preparedness Fund, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today. “This is about growing the involvement of young people in civil defence and emergency services in New Zealand,” says Ms Kaye.


04 August 2017

Applications have opened for the first round of funding under the Youth Enterprise Opportunities for Young People fund, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced. “This fund is about directly supporting young people who have a new or innovative enterprise idea to develop and execute their project,” says Ms Kaye.

06 August 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced that in 2017/18, the Government will invest a total of $1.78 million into the Partnership Fund that supports youth development opportunities created in collaboration with business, philanthropic, iwi and other partners.

20 August 2017

New partnerships to support DINE Academy Boot Camps and the Limitless Programme will see more than $425,000 invested to create over 600 new youth development opportunities, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye has announced. Dine Academy Boot Camps offer leadership training and the opportunity to develop hospitality sector skills, while the Limitless Programme is about building confidence and awareness that can be translated into a purposeful career.

20 August 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye says applications will open for the Youth Digital Enterprise Awards scheme, aimed at helping today’s young people become tomorrow’s digital entrepreneurs. “This scheme targets young people aged 12 to 18 years who have an innovative enterprise project with a digital focus, or great ideas for developing such a project,” says Ms Kaye.

23 August 2017

Four recipients of the 2017 Minister for Youth’s International Leadership Award were announced by Youth Minister Nikki Kaye. “This award supports outstanding young New Zealanders to access an international opportunity to develop their own leadership skills, and in turn support the development of other young people,” says Ms Kaye.

24 August 2017

A new partnership to help young people showcase their skills and competencies to prospective employers and others was announced by Youth Minister Nikki Kaye. “Many of our young people have participated in leadership, mentoring and volunteering activities and we want them to be able to demonstrate this, and other achievements, through an online social record,” says Ms Kaye.


06 September 2017

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today that applications have opened for Youth Fund 2018. “Youth Fund supports community initiatives that are designed and led by young people, or youth organisations working in partnership with young people,” says Ms Kaye.

07 September 2017

Fifteen councils up and down New Zealand will share $280,000 of funding under the 2017 Local Government Youth Partnership Fund, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

08 September 2017

New partnerships to support the ‘Youth Spaces Plus’ programme in Rotorua and Priority One’s ‘Instep - Ngā Wahine o Mereaira’ programme in the Bay of Plenty will create at least 590 new youth development opportunities, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.


14 December 2017

Read the latest edition of Youth Matters, MYD's e-newsletter now. Its jam-packed with great stories about our amazing rangatahi and includes some awesome opportunities for young people!