Current Funding

The Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) – Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi – spends around $12.062 million (excluding the Ākonga Youth Development Community Fund) per year on a wide range of youth development and youth enterprise initiatives. We fund organisations that employ a youth development approach which supports the wellbeing of young people (aged 12 to 24 years) in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Current MYD Funding Opportunities

There are no current MYD funding opportunities available at present.

Ākonga Youth Development Community Fund

Funding decisions regarding the Ākonga Fund for the 2024 and 2025 calendar years have been made. Information on funded programmes can be found here – this information has also been published on the Government Electronic Tenders website. Queries can be directed to

MYD Funding (2023-25)

In 2022 and 2023, MYD undertook significant competitive open tender procurement processes  which allocated available funding to support a wide range of youth development and youth enterprise programmes, services, and initiatives.

Information on organisations funded by MYD (2023-2025) can be found here. Queries can be directed to MYDfunding[at] Please click here to learn more about programmes funded through the Ākonga Youth Development Community Fund.

Future funding opportunities will be published on this webpage, and MYD's Facebook, and Instagram, as well as the Government Electronic Tenders Service. We encourage you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and continue to check back on this webpage, for information on any upcoming funding rounds.

Please replace [at] with the @ symbol in the email address above - we have listed it in this format to avoid automated spam.