ASB Polyfest 2018 Short Film and Research Highlights

26 April 2018

The MYD team was really pleased to attend ASB Polyfest in Auckland in March. As an ASB Polyfest funder, MYD had the opportunity to staff a tent alongside some partners. Bean bags, phone charging and music at the MYD tent provided a space for young people to chill, relax and recharge the batteries during the busy festival!

Check out some of the highlights at ASB Polyfest in last month's edition of Youth Matters!

We engaged Borderless to interview some of the young people we met in order to gather their opinions around some questions we had:

  1. What’s your experience of being a young person in 2018?
  2. What issues do you want Aotearoa New Zealand’s leaders to be talking about?
  3. Why is it important to celebrate Aotearoa New Zealand’s young people?

Borderless created a really insightful short film featuring the young people which makes for really interesting viewing. Check it out below.

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We also canvassed around 300 other rangatahi to ask them these same questions in the form of a survey.

Some response highlights include:

What issues do you want Aotearoa New Zealand’s leaders to be talking about?

We generated a Word Cloud to visually represent the key themes and ideas that were mentioned by the young people. The more frequently the word featured in the responses we received, the larger it appears in the image below.

ASB Polyfest 2018 Word Cloud

Why is it important to celebrate Aotearoa New Zealand’s young people?

- 42% of respondents said it’s important because they are the future generation of Aotearoa New Zealand

- 15% of respondents said it’s important because they are the future leaders of Aotearoa New Zealand

- 12% of respondents said it’s important because young people are important and amazing

- 12% of respondents said it’s important because young people deserve recognition, celebration and appreciation.

Some notable quotes from this question include:

Quotes ASB Polyfest

This was a great opportunity for us to seek opinions, and capture the thoughts and ideas of young people at the event. We’d like to thank those who took part and Borderless for producing this video for us.